Zine Work

I’m neurodivergent (ADHD + ASD) and often forget important moments. While others can recall childhood stories and lines from their favorite movies, I always felt this worry that my sense of self is quite blurry, fluid, or unanchored. Who I was 5 years ago or even a month ago is completely different from who I am today. Zines help me to chronicle this change, like a journal. Looking back through this tangible and visual collection of different experiences, identities, emotions, and growth helps to ground me and recover lost memories.

A zine for cat lovers! Capturing every day life with my black cat Jiji. Currently in Japanese only.


To celebrate my birthday I created a zine about birthdays. It follows the journey of a rabbit flying through the universe and ponders about life, the passing of time, and embracing change. I think it would make a great gift for expecting parents or a birthday present for a loved one.

誕生日のお祝いに、誕生日に関するジンを作りました。 宇宙を飛び回るウサギの旅をたどり、人生、時間の経過、そして変化の受け入れについて思いを巡らせます。 妊娠祝いのプレゼントや、大切な方への誕生日プレゼントとしても喜ばれると思います。

Journey: A Poetry Zine
This poetry zine captures the emotions around my transition from living in California and moving to Japan. Watch the process video here to see more of the inside content.

このジンは、海外生活から日本への移住に関する感情を様々なポエムで表せています。 内部の詳細については、こちらのビデオをご覧ください。

Mandala Coloring Zine
Sacred geometry is the meeting of math, nature, and the divine. Artists utilize mathematical guides such as the rule of thirds or the golden ratio which is based on the Fibonacci sequence. In nature, the golden ratio and other geometrical measurements can be found in flowers, succulents, shells, and more. Across many religions, sacred geometry is used to find meaning and significance in the patterns of the universe and are often represented as mandalas. Mandalas are seen in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and many other religions and spiritual customs.

Take a moment to relax, unwind, and ponder the universe while coloring in this zine.

神聖幾何学(Sacred geometry)は、数学、自然、神性の融合です。芸術では三分割法やフィボナッチ数列に基づく黄金比などを利用します。黄金比は自然界に潜み、花、多肉植物、貝殻などに見かけられます。多くの宗教で神聖幾何学は曼荼羅(マンダラ)として表現されることもよくあります。マンダラは観想や灌頂の際に使用されます。色を塗りながらじっくり瞑想する時間を過ごしてみては?

2021: A Year of Newsletters
A full year of monthly newsletters as a zine! They are available only at Rock Paper Scissors Collective in Oakland, CA.

Natsu: A Summer Zine
Natsu means summer in Japanese. This zine was made in the summer of 2021 and is a collaboration between Asami and her sister Yasumi. Inspired by Japanese style chigiri-e (a type of torn paper collage), the zine features postcards, drawings, and a summer playlist.

このジンは2021年の夏に作られ、妹とのコラボです。 日本伝統のちぎり絵がインスピレーションです。中にはポストカード、イラスト、夏のプレイリストが含まれています。

Fortune Cookie: A Zine for AAPI Art Nerds
Fortune Cookie: A Zine for AAPI Art Nerds is a collaboration with my good friend Jenny to bring authentic stories about the AAPI experience. It's about art, fortunes, growing up AAPI, and specifically written for pre-teens, teens and young adults (a few swear words but mostly PG). This zine means so much to me because it's what I wanted to read when I was growing up. It's the most vulnerable I've ever been in my works, and I write a lot about my life and frustrations being an immigrant in America. If you or someone you know is AAPI, interested in art, or if you just want to get to know me, this zine is for you.
Currently only available at Rock Paper Scissors Collective in Oakland, CA.